
What Do Those Odd Plumbing Sounds Mean And Should I Call A Plumber?

Every homeowner has heard a few odd sounds around the house from time to time. It could be a creaking of the roof as the temperature drops or what turns out to be a  noise from outside. But when you zero in on the sound and discover it is coming from your home’s plumbing system, you become instantly filled with concern and worry. Is this a sign that you will be facing a plumbing catastrophe soon? Should you be calling a plumber immediately to avoid the added cost of repairing water damage from a flood? You never know for sure unless you understand what is causing the sound and what it means.

To provide homeowners with a little more information, and hopefully a bit more peace of mind, we have compiled a list of the most common sounds our customers have described to us. While each home is different, and each person will describe a sound a little differently, we hope that our information helps you determine when it is time to call in a pro and when the sound is not a foreshadowing of something terrible about to happen.

Hissing From Your Sink

When you turn on the water and hear a hissing sound coming from the fixture, that indicates excessive water pressure. And while you might think that more pressure is a good thing and that only low water pressure is an issue, that is not always the case. Excessive water pressure means that the water is gushing from your faucet too quickly and creating waste. High water pressure will result in excessive wear and tear on your fixtures and plumbing pipes. It can also result in a shortened life expectancy, so it is best to have the problem corrected with a pressure regulating valve installation. This will lower the pressure, eliminate the waste of water and money, and protect the inside of your plumbing fixtures and pipes.

Thud Or Hammering Sound

When you turn off a water faucet and hear a distinct thud, that is another sound of excessive water pressure. Not only does the high water pressure degrade your pipes and fixtures faster than usual, but the hammer can result in other damage. That sudden pounding of water in the lines can damage fittings and pipes that are not secured to beams in your home. Over time, the pipes’ significant movement can result in cracks, leaks, and expensive water damage. While this is not an emergency, it is a good idea to consult with your favorite plumber and request a pressure regulator installation or possibly some other cushioning device.

Whistling From Water Pipes

A whistling sound is indicative of a pipe that has air in it. The reason is most often that your water pressure is too low. If you have a pressure regulating valve on your home, an adjustment to increase the water pressure slightly could be the solution. The sound can also indicate an air pocket or debris in the waterline. To eliminate the problem, turn off the water at your main valve. Then open one of the faucets or fixtures in your home to allow the water and debris to drain out. It is best to open a spigot that is lower in your home. If you have a basement sink or tub, this is the optimal fixture to open. Once the lines are drained completely, slowly open the main valve to re-pressurize your home’s water lines.

Gurgling Coming From Drains

Gurgling from drains is not a good thing. It can mean that the vent pipe is blocked and is preventing water and waste from draining correctly. A blocked vent pipe can also result in gas and bad odors backing up into your home. Inspect the vent opening on your roof to see if it is blocked or damaged. If that is not the case, you likely have a clog in your drains or sewer line. The best option is to quickly call (512) 910-8123 to schedule a visit from a Parobek Plumbing & Air Conditioning drain specialist. A professional drain cleaning will eliminate the clog and potential flood of dirty water in your home.

Get in touch with your local professionals today to schedule plumbing and HVAC service: 512-910-8123!

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